
LH DynamicsThe power of LH Dynamics

The power of LH Dynamics

All modern psychometric tests are less than 100 years old but have common roots that date back over 5,000 years. Some of the language used in Talent Dynamics dates back to phrases coined by Swiss Psychologist, Carl Jung who pioneered analytical psychology based on a combination of psychoanalysis and archetypes. Carl Jung was profoundly influenced by the ancient chinese texts of the I Ching and its philosophy of how man interacts with time and seasons. Whilst psychometric tests grew in popularity, Carl Jung spent his remaining years studying the relationship between archetypes and his concepts of ‘synchronicity’ and the ‘collective unconscious’, both terms inspired by what he learnt from the I Ching.  

Roger Hamilton based the Talent Dynamics personality profiling tool on these studies, so it goes beyond being simply a psychometric test to a system that differs from others in that it relates our natural talents to eight intuitive profiles and links each profile to a set of strategies designed to lead us to our natural ‘flow’ state. This results in a meaningful link between the benefit of nurturing our own personal well-being to benefit the well-being of the companies in which we work.

Find your flow, reclaim your time

When you understand your Luxury Hospitality Dynamics profile, you can clearly define your purpose and motivation for doing what you do. You can reorganise your time to focus on what you love most and what you do best. You can decide more easily when to say ‘no’. When you do this, your confidence, fulfilment and effectiveness increase and your stress levels and struggles naturally decrease. This is what happens when you find your flow.

Clarify your natural path

There are five energies and eight talent profiles depicting the blend of energies which highlight your natural, inherent strengths. By defining your natural path, you know where to focus your energy and where you offer most value. When you understand this, you are able to explore your purpose further, leading to personal fulfilment and happiness.

Grow a high performing team and accelerate success

Each of the eight profiles attracts, builds and leads teams in different ways. Having a high performing team is the key to providing excellent service. Successfully building the right team, with the right people in the right place begins with using LH Dynamics to help know yourself and to know your team. When people are doing what they are naturally good at, confidence grows, and high-performing, happy teams who are able to deliver a service of excellence are created.

Accelerate your organisation’s success

Once LH Dynamics is integrated, the team learns to communicate more effectively and maximise each member’s natural talents. Understanding how flow is created through identifying, valuing and optimising these natural talents is vital.